SNAPPy commandsΒΆ

This is a list of the implemented functionalities in SNAPPy:

  • Basic subtyping:

    snakemake subtype_all
  • Subtyping using n cpu cores:

    snakemake subtype_all --cores n
  • Basic alignment:

    snakemake align_all
  • Alignment using n cpu cores:

    snakemake align_all --cores n
  • Clean the SNAPPy folder from previous runs outputs:

    snakemake delete_all_outputs
  • Clean the SNAPPy folder from previous runs intermediate files (but not outputs):

    snakemake delete_interm_files
  • Compress to a file and clean the SNAPPy folder from previous runs intermediate files (but not outputs):

    snakemake compress_and_del_inter_files
  • Compress everything inside the SNAPPy folder to a file:

    snakemake compress_all

Note: Please note that SNAPPy is built on top of Snakemake, and therefore should retain all the functionalities of this pipeline software.